My Weight Only Bothers Me When I Get Dressed

If you haven’t made a resolution to lose weight you’re to be given an award and celebrated. If you watch even a small amount of tv, you’ve been inundated with programs, plans, scams and magical pills. That leads me to believe that everyone must be on a diet or wants to be.

Here’s my take on the whole thing. No matter how much we tell ourselves that we’re pretty or handsome there are days that we wish we were thinner, there are days when we wish we knew then what we know now. We wish that we knew eating bags of Cheetos and plates of french fries would set us on a path that would someday be so badly booby trapped we’d never find our way back to thin or thinner. As it is, we didn’t and we aren’t as thin as we would hope.

I don’t want you to think that I am a doomsday person and that I don’t think that there is any hope because I do. I know personally that it is possible to undo the damage of years on the couch devouring Cheetos and the like. I also know that it takes a lot of commitment. I once lost 42 pounds in four months and I’ve lost 19-22 pounds a million times. I like to joke that my body just likes to be this weight, truth is, I just don’t really care enough to do the work. I care when I see candid pictures of myself or when I have tried on the fifth shirt or pair of pants and just want to put my jammies back on forever.  But ultimately, I know what it takes and I like foods that don’t like me. My doctor told me recently that my blah blah’s were all over the place and essentially my body was working against itself. Wow, what a shocker. She prescribed some tablet and 4 months in I am still at the same weight, without Cheetos every day, I promise I have tried. I have tried at least 70% of the time.

At the end of the day, if you are healthy and moderately overweight, is it is okay to just sit in your skin and be content? I have said and still, even when I am putting my sweats back on, that no one at my funeral will stand up and say “if only she weighed 20 pounds less”.

No matter how you approach the weight loss thing… please do it safely, don’t binge diet or binge eat and please learn to love yourself more. 2018 is a new year and instead of listening to the ads that say it’s time for a new you, meaning a thinner you, be a new you and be happy with yourself.